RTC-BRIDGE Wireless Interface with Ethernet Link and Time Clock

£594.72 incl. VAT

Product Documents

Rako RTC Bridge Instruction Manual

Rako RTC Data Sheet

100 in stock

SKU: RTC-BRIDGE Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,


The Rako RTC Bridge is a interface with wireless dimmers with Ethernet, iPhone, or Android link.  Fitted with TCM time clock module allowing event timed commands, holiday simulation mode, macro & button mapping.  Supplied with Rako software allowing programming & configuration of the wireless system.
The Rako RTC Bridge will add the following features to a RAKO wired system:
•    Ethernet interface, including remote control via Smart Phone.
•    Wireless Operation.  Use Rako Wireless modules in conjunction with wired system.
•    Timed Events. Automatic functions at fixed times or triggered by dawn & dusk times.
•    Mapping. Commands from wall controllers can be redirected to perform other tasks.
•    Macros. Complex series of commands that are triggered by a single command or event.
•    Holiday Mode. Replays recorded scene activity, creating an occupied look to a property.
•    Monitor. Diagnostic display of system activity.
Note: Includes Power Supply
We are an approved distributor for Rako products so if you cannot see what you are looking for or you need any help selecting the right Rako products or anything else for your project then why not give us a call or send us an email and one of our team will be happy to help you out.

Additional information

Weight 0.280 kg
Dimensions 19 × 10 × 6.5 mm

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